World Ball&Dek Hockey Federation

World 4vs4 Dekhockey Championships 2025, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

World 4vs4 Dekhockey Championships 2025, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic | WBDHF

World 4vs4 Dekhockey Championships 2025

Place: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

Date: November 24-29, 2025

Aplication form:


World 4vs4 Dekhockey Championships - Puerto Plata 2025-Dominican rep.
The entry fee for each team is to be paid latest on September 1,2025. Deposit 500€ must to send - July 1, 2025

Please make the payment to the selected account:
Entry fee: 2000 EUR
Account owner: WBDHF
Name of Bank: Tatra banka, a.s., Hodzovo namestie 3, 810 00 Bratislava, Slovakia
Account number/IBAN: SK55 1100 0000 0029 4146 5247
Entry fee: 2100 EUR
Account owner: WBDHF
Name of Bank: PayPal

Please note:
1)       Application will not be officially accepted until payment is received.
2)      Team roster - maximum 18 players + 3 goalkeepers + 3 staff
3)      The players of the team must have the same colour of jersey, helmet and socks
4)      LOGO WBDHF must be placed on the front the jersey !!!