Our organization was founded 1.1.1985 as an association of ball hockey clubs, bearing that name until 2012. After various circumstances, representatives from the US, Canada, Slovakia, India and Italy decided to create a global federation for ball hockey. In August 2012 in Niagara Falls, we have decided to rename our organization WORLD BALL & DEK HOCKEY FEDERATION, prepared new statutes, rules of membership, logos and everything this organization needed and gave a new direction of development for ball hockey in the world. The history of our organization included the hosting of the world's first European Championships in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1995, as well as organizing the first ever World Cup, also in Bratislava the following year. Our federation is dedicated to ball hockey in all its known forms. Street hockey is one of the oldest sports in the world, first played by the North American Indians as early as 1572. Many ball hockey names are used, such as BALL HOCKEY, DEK HOCKEY, HOCKEYBALLE, HOKEJBAL and STREET HOCKEY. We were first called the sport " hockey with the ball ."
Добро пожаловать на официальный сайт Всемирной Федерации Хоккея с мячом – WBDHF (World Ball & Dek Hockey Federation). Наша организация была основана 1 января 1985 года как ассоциация клубов по хоккею с мячом, и носила данное название до 2012 года. Наблюдая динамичное развитие данного вида спорта и многочисленный интерес со стороны других Государств, представители из США, Канады, Словакии, Индии и Италии решили создать глобальную Федерацию по хоккею с мячом. В августе 2012 года в городе Ниагара Фоллс, мы решили переименовать нашу организацию и дать ей новое имя. Так образовалась «Всемирная Федерация Хоккея с мячом». Мы изменили не только название, были утверждены новые уставы, правила вступления в Федерацию, логотипы, цели и задачи, определены основные направления для развития спорта в Мире. В историю нашей организации входит проведение первого Чемпионата Европы в городе Братислава (Словакия) в 1995 году, а также организация первого в истории Кубка Мира в Братиславе в следующем году. Наша Федерация развивает хоккей с мячом (BallHockey) во всех представленных форматах проведения (3vs3, 4vs4 и 5vs5) не только среди взрослых спортсменов, но и среди представителей детского и юношеского спорта. Уличный хоккей - один из старейших видов спорта в мире, в который начали играть североамериканские индейцы еще в далеком 1572 году. В мире достаточно много названий для нашего вида спорта, такие как BALLHOCKEY, DEKHOCKEY, HOCKEYBALLE, HOKEJBAL и STREETHOCKEY.
Grass Roots
The basic fundamentals of hockey: shooting, passing, and stick handling, are the most easily learned with a stick and a ball in running shoes.
Ball hockey introduces these fundamentals at the grass roots level in a way that is easy to grasp, as inexpensive as possible, and playable anywhere, at anytime.
Anyone can play. No skating skills are required, notice nor inline, and this makes it more enjoyable for a child first learning the game of hockey, by quickly boosting their self esteem, and confidence in the sport.
Ball hockey can train referees, coaches, and volunteers in a simple environment, with little or no stress.
It is also an ideal way to expose parents to the sport of hockey for the first time, without costly commitments for equipment, skating lessons, and long travel to ice hockey arenas where they are few and far between.
Ball hockey provides economic support to equipment manufacturers and to ice arenas by utilizing floor times during the summer season, with programs for children, women, and men.
One of the greatest challenges facing emerging hockey nations is the training of athletes where there are few arenas, and where the ice seasons are very short.
People love to play hockey, and ball hockey is the easiest way to start
History & Future
The sport is enjoyed by millions around the world, wherever a stick and ball can be used.
It has found its place as an organized competition firstly in Canada and the USA during the early 1970’s, with national championships contested by 1977.
In Europe, Czechoslovakia began its love for ball hokejbal in the early 1980’s. Teams from Czechia and Slovakia visited tournaments in Canada within 10 years and then was born international competition.
Various multi-nation championships have been held since 1996, first hosted in Bratislava, Slovakia through the great efforts of European pioneer Jaroslav Melisek.
The World Ball Hockey Federation has arisen in 2012 to bring this global sport into the future with a common commitment to its development, fair competition and integrity.
Legendary North American developers of the sport, Domenic Di Gironimo (CAN) and Chris Housser (USA), join Melisek (SVK) to form the foundation of a WBHF that already boasts more than 30 member nations dedicated to the promotion of ball hockey, its global development and the hosting of world-class events.