World 4vs4 Dekhockey Championships 2024, Las Terrenas
World 4vs4 Championships 2024, Las Terrenas-Dominican Republic
Final standing of Nations at World 4vs4 Ball Hockey Championship 2024, Las Terrenas
1.Czechia 2.North America 3.Slovakia 4.Algeria 5.USA
All Stars team:
- Branislav Stefan (SVK)
- Yanis Bouzidi (ALG)
- Marcel Leblanc (TNA)
- Robert Ondrusek (SVK)
Goalie: Ján Simara (CZE)
MVP tournament: Lumir Rosulek (CZE)
1.North America 2.Czechia 3.Quebec 4.North America II
All Stars team:
-Andrea Kantorova (CZE)
-Karolína Prochazkova (CZE)
-Nikki Loewen (TNA)
-Jennika Morin (QBC)
-Colleen Murphy (TNA)
Goalie: Naya Samuel (QBC)
MVP tournament TNA 2 Kaitleen Vanvelzen
MEN O35:
1.Czechia 2.Slovakia 3.North America
All Stars team:
-Bohumil Gotthard (CZE)
-Rastislav Virag (SVK)
-Tomas Toth (CZE)
-Mickael Da Silva (TNA)
Goalie: Milan Grobarcik (SVK)
MVP tournament: Kamil Briska (CZE)
1.North America 2.Czechia 3.Slovakia
All Stars team:
-KATIE Hecman (TNA)
- Michaela Rychtova (SVK)
-Nadean Reichelt (TNA)
Goalie: Marketa Kralova (CZE)
MVP tournament :TNA Krystina Melhuish
MEN O45:
1.Quebec 2.Czechia 3.North America II 4.North America I 5.Dominican rep.
All Stars team:
-Jean Philippe Cyr (QBC)
-Ladislav Gengel (QBC)
-Rubben Beatle (TNA)
-Mark Colitti (TNA)
Goalie: Jean Michel Gauthier (QBC)
MVP :Jean Sébastien Plante (QBC)
Online Results:
Date: November 23th to 27th, 2024
The categories will be as follows:
Men Open
Men Masters O35
Men Legends O45
Women Open
Women Masters O35
For more information or to register, contact the World Ball&Dek Hockey Federation now and get ready to experience a unique sporting event in the heart of the Caribbean!
Contact: info@wbdhf.com
Whatsapp msg: +421903536363
All players must have WBDHF passport !
Registration: www.wbdhfworldchampionships.com